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Excerpted from TFI's report:
Forecasts for Higher Bandwidth Broadband Services
Lawrence K. Vanston, Ph.D., Ray L. Hodges, and Joseph Savage

Provisional Forecast of U.S. Households Using High-Definition IP Video

IP video is an application that requires more bandwidth than generally available on residential broadband today. TFI forecasts that over 40% of U.S. households will use IP video in 2010. As HDTV becomes prevalent, consumers will want to access HD IP video. Combining the IP video forecast and an HDTV forecast provides a forecast of HD IP video. According to this forecast, about 5% of households will use HD IP video by 2007 and 20% by 2010. Please visit the report page, Forecasts for Higher Bandwidth Broadband Services for more report information and purchasing details.