Depreciation & Valuation
Technology change can impact the life-time and value of a firm's assets and lines of business for both new and existing technologies. TFI has over 20 years in providing analysis and technology forecasts customized for your specific depreciation and valuation applications.
We also provide expert witness back-up, if necessary. We have provided expert witness testimony in over 45 jurisdictions. Often these cases revolve around the need to properly gauge the impact of rapidly evolving technology, intense competition, and physical deterioration on asset lives and valuations.
Clients typically use TFI Depreciation & Valuation to:
- Place a value on technologies or lines of business.
- Determine the residual value and economic lives of existing assets.
- Formulate financially and strategically sound technology replacement strategies.
- Communicate technology/financial realities to investors, regulators, judges, tax authorities, and other decision makers.
- Develop forecast-based cash flow models for technology decisions.
Technology-aware depreciation and valuation are critical for financial reporting, mergers and acquisitions, sales of assets or business lines, pricing of goods and services, cash flow projections, and business planning. They are also critical in legal proceedings involving regulation, bankruptcy, damages, property taxes, and income taxes.
Clients who have utilized TFI Depreciation and Valuation include major telecommunications carriers such as AT&T Mobility, Cincinnati Bell, Verizon, Qwest, AT&T, Bell Canada, Surewest, Windstream Communications, and Sprint/Nextel. Other clients include start-up companies and their investors, other consulting firms including Thomson Reuters and Duff & Phelps, and the Telecommunications Technology Forecasting Group.
If you believe TFI can be of assistance to you in the Depreciation & Valuation area, please contact TFI at (512) 258-8898 or We welcome your inquiries.

of Forecasters'
32st Annual International Symposium on Forecasting
Boston, MA

Indian Wells, CA
Lake Mary, FL
25th Annual Society of Depreciation Professionals Meeting
Atlanta, GA
New York State Assessors' Association 2011 Annual Meeting and Seminar
Buffalo, NY
of Forecasters'
31st Annual International Symposium on Forecasting
Prague, Czech Republic

Austin, Texas

Astana, Kazakhstan
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