Happy Holidays from TFI 2012!
For 34 years, we at Technology Futures, Inc. have developed our own holiday card each year reflecting on a current event. Dr. John Vanston, Chairman, writes the verse and Helen Mary V. Marek, VP Operations/Creative Director (and John’s daughter), designs the card. This year we chose the Mayan Calendar and TFI’s long forecasting experience as our subject.
Up for a sleigh ride down holiday greetings lane? Be sure to stop by:
Seasons Greetings 2015 - Self-Driven Cars
Seasons Greetings 2014 - Philae Robot Landing on Comet
Seasons Greetings 2013 - Santa's Drones
Seasons Greetings 2012 - Mayan Calendar
Seasons Greetings 2011 - Neutrinos
Seasons Greetings 2010 - New Technologies
Seasons Greetings 2009- MiniTrends
Seasons Greetings 2008 - Stock Market
Seasons Greetings 2007 - Climate Change
Seasons Greetings 2006 - Ubuntu Greetings
Stop by and we'll show you more!